Thursday, February 18, 2016

Poetry Wakanadas

During the Winter Season, SCORES looks a little different, a little more...little :) 

Our JR SCORES Programs are over half-way through their season. This programming is aimed at students in Kindergarten through 2nd grade who would like to find out what soccer and writing poetry is all about. For many this is their first time playing on a team or writing a poem. 

JR SCORES is also unique in the curriculum used for these first forays into writing. Our JRs are still young 5-8 years old and so we try to engage them in writing through stories. Last year they met a monkey named Zoomba, and learned about sharing, team work and creative problem solving while using poems to help introduce themselves to their new friend or to share what it means to be nice. This year they are apprentices of the great Poetry Wakanda (or one who posses magic power), Onida the Owl. She comes from a long line of wakandas who make the lives of their fellow owls more interesting, more colorful and more heart-felt through poetry. 

Meet Onida, the Poetry Wakanda

Recently however, the other owls have been losing their interest in poetry in favor of this strange box with pictures and talking that doesn't make them use their imaginations. It is up to our JR SCORES Wakanda apprentices to help Onida write poems so wonderful and full of magic that the owls turn away from the TV and back to the poetry they used to love so much! 

Our apprentices are also learning how to dribble, pass and play together in their school gyms! Check out our pictures below, poet-athletes working on poems about "big feelings" in their heart charts and super powers! 

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